On The Farm

Activity on the farm ranges from a few hours each day “doing chores” to all-out, sun-up to sun-down labor. Here’s what Farmer David, your personal farmer, does month by month:

January through March
Calving begins in late January in the barn. After three days inside, Mama cow and calf go outdoors, and the calf comes and goes as it pleases. Chores take on more time with the needs of new calves, moving expectant moms into the barn, etc. 
The weather is warming, so Farmer David can spread once-frozen manure near the barn on fields slated for Spring and Summer haying. This element of the circle of life makes the grass grow green. There is always something in the shop, so evenings are devoted to readying equipment for the busy spring and summer seasons.

March and April

The rest of the calves are born, the barnyard gets cleaned more often now that the ground is thawed, the days get longer, and work in the shop picks up pace.


The cows that calved earlier in the year are bred by artificial insemination, then go out to pasture with the “clean-up” bull. By the end of May, the cows and calves are off to “summer camp,” the pasture where they’ll stay through the warm months. 

The first hay cutting begins. Lush forage is mowed, wilted, round baled, and stuffed in plastic tubes to ferment and preserve for winter feed.  Haying is done about every 6-7 weeks to harvest new growth at optimal nutrition.  Dry hay is made when weather permits, and then stored under cover.  In between the early haying, Farmer David plows and plants small grains and corn.

June through October
Non-stop haying, harvesting of feedlot animals, delivery of meat orders to customers, visiting with customers and catching up. In the first part of October, Farmer David brings the calves back home to the barn for the winter; cows follow a few weeks later. Every “bossie” gets a twice-a-year ride in the farm “taxi.” Corn picking begins.

Finish picking corn, putting equipment away for winter storage, cut firewood for the next year, and finish the many tasks that were started early in the year.

Chores, shop work, seed and supply ordering, repair equipment, look forward to happy baby calf faces in January. Another farm year begins!

© deer run 2012